Within the scope of the protocol signed between our Graduate School and the South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University, the graduate students participated in training, research and examination activities under the coordination of our Graduate School Director Prof. Dr. Şaban ÇETİN, Head of Educational Sciences Department Prof. Dr. Gülgün BANGİR ALPAN, and Assoc. Dr. Mehmet TAŞPINAR. The education program started with the introduction of the department and our University, and continnued with the courses on various subjects such as graduate studies, thesis preparation processes, examination of sample theses and teacher education in vocational education, technology use in teacher education. A trip to the Presidential National Library was organized for students and they were provided with the opportunity to benefit from the library for their research. The training program ended with the evaluation of the program and the presentation of participation certificates to the participants.
The 2024-2025 Fall Semester Graduate School Board meeting
The Graduate School of Educational Sciences 2024 Quality Coordination Unit Visit
Fighting Addiction and Awareness Training: Become Stronger with Awareness, Resist Addiction!
Unit Strategic Plan Monitoring and Evaluation Meeting
Visit of Member Prof. Dr. Mustafa AKTAŞ, the Graduate School Quality Commission Unit Advisor
Send us your opinions, requests and evaluations.