5 September 2022 | 12:24

DERS KAYIT SÜREÇLERİ ve Katkı Payları ve Öğrenim Ücretleri hakkında tüm detaylar  için lütfen tıklayınız!


For all the details about the COURSE REGISTRATION PROCESS and the Tuition Fees, please click here!


Important Dates for 2022-2023 Fall Semester

Course Registration For Students

15-18 September 2022

Advisor Approvals (in interaction with advisors)

19-21 September 2022

Beginning of Courses

26 September 2022

Course Registration Applications for Students with an excuse (*)

03 October 2022

(*) Applications of students whose situations comply with the Directive of Reasonable and Valid Causes to the relevant academic units for registration. Click here for the Reasonable and Valid Causes Directive.

Course Registrations of Students with an excuse (**)

10-11 October 2022

(**) Interactive course registrations with advisors of students whose situation is accepted by relevant administrative boards about complying with Directive of Reasonable and Valid Causes

Adding or Dropping a Course Period (in interaction with advisors)

13-14 October 2022

Ph.D. Qualifying Exams

01-31 December 2022


Click for the Academic Calendar Akademik Takvim için tıklayınız..

Click to Login to Student Information System (SIS)! tıklayınız! 



Attention to our recently registered students!


The recently registered students can see their student numbers on Online Registration Processes Menu of the Application System. Also, click here for student number inquiry.

The advisors of the recently registered students are the Heads of the Departments.

Your password in the Application System and the Password to be used in the Student Information System are different from each other.

Newly registered students appear as passive students in YÖKSİS information, they will appear as active after course registration.

You can use the following options to create or update a new password in Student Information System (SIS).

Login with E-Government

Reset Password

Reset with Credentials (Class Info for all students must be entered as 1)

Reset with e-mail address (You should use your e-mail address registered on system)



You can find detailed information about the Course Registration Procedures in Student Information System under the following headings:


After completing the course selection process, our students must do: 1-"Check" and 2-"Ensure/Confirm".

Click here for the guide on Student Course Registration Procedures!  tıklayınız!

Click here for the narrated video about the course registration process! tıklayınız!

Click here for the narrated video about the advisor approval process! tıklayınız!

Click for Course Add-Drop Processes via SIS tıklayınız..


About Contribution and Tuition Fees:


  1. Quota for International Students announced in our Institute is the quota of foreign students who study with their own financial facilities.
  2. Click here for the President's Decision on the Determination of Contribution to Education and Tuition Fees for the 2022-2023 Academic Year! (current) tıklayınız! 
  3. Click here for the Administrative Board Decision Supplement dated 27.07.2022 and numbered 14 which is about the tuition fee and contribution fee to education that will be paid by Turkish students who will study with their own financial facilities in 2022-2023 semesters within the agreement conducted between international students-YTB-IKB (current) tıklayınız! 
  4. Click here for the decision of the Executive Board of our University, dated June 15, 2022, regarding the Tuition Fees (Course Credit Fees) for Non-Thesis Master's Programs. (current) tıklayınız..
  5. Our students will be able to pay their tuition fees to Halk Bank by specifying their student number. Depositing Tuition Fees by Programs:


a) Our students of Non-Thesis Master's Degree Programs  should choose the course from the system first and then deposit the fee per course they registered to the bank. Course approvals will not be realized for students who do not pay their fees after course registration.


b) Our Students of programs with thesis will be able to pay their tuition fees just before the course registration dates.


-The students of Master’s Degree programs with thesis do not pay tuition fees during the first 4 semesters. They start to pay from the 5th semester.


-Ph.D. students do not pay tuition fees for the first 8 semesters. They start to pay from the 9th semester.


-Students enrolled in a second program pay a contribution fee.

As it is known, the name of the programs ending with “Teaching” in Graduate Programs of our Institute was changed as “Education”.


Students enrolled in Teaching Programs are required to select the programs including “Education” in their titles while course registering in the Student Information System (SIS).


Moreover; since the name of the Educational Administration and Supervision Program has been changed to Educational Administration, the course registration will be made in the same way.


Students who will choose a course from the Graduate School Joint Program mentioned above must choose from the menu -NON-CURRICULUM/NON-DEPARTMENT COURSES- on the SIS course registration screen.


Joint Program for Educational Courses: Click for course schedules and points to be considered!


Courses and Program Durations


Scientific preparation program: The scientific preparation program can be applied for a maximum of two semesters to compensate the deficiencies of the students who are accepted to the master's and doctoral programs, who have received their undergraduate or graduate degree in a field different from the master's or doctorate program they are accepted to.


Master's Program with Thesis consists of at least 9 courses including a course consisting of “scientific research techniques” and “research and publication ethics” seminar, thesis preparation course and it should be at least 120 credits with thesis study courses providing that it should not be less than 60 credits.


The duration of the master's program with thesis, excluding the time spent in scientific preparation, is 4 semesters, beginning from the semester in which the courses related to the program they are enrolled in, regardless of whether they are registered for each semester, and the program is completed in a maximum of 6 semesters.


Ph.D. Program consists of at least 9 courses which are a course including “scientific research techniques”, “research and publication ethics”, a seminar course and thesis preparation course.  It should be at least 240 credits including the proficiency exam and thesis study providing that it should not be less than 60 credits in a term.


For those who are accepted with a master's degree, excluding the time spent in scientific preparation, the doctoral program is eight semesters for each semester, beginning from the semester in which the courses related to the program they are enrolled in are taught. Regardless of whether they are registered or not for each term, the maximum completion period is twelve semesters. The maximum time to successfully complete the compulsory and elective courses in the required course period for the doctoral program is four semesters for those accepted with a master's degree.

Providing that it should not be less than 60 credits, Non-Thesis Master's Program consists of at least 10 courses and 90 credits including the term project. The period of completion of the program is at most three semesters, beginning from the semester in which the courses related to the program are given, regardless of whether they are registered for each semester or not.

The Details about the joint courses that will be taught in graduate schools:

Click here for the decision related to joint courses (including theory, practice and ECTS-credits of seminar, scientific research methods and ethics, thesis preparation course, qualifying exam, thesis study and project) that will be taught in graduate schools which is determined in the meeting dated 26.09.2019 and numbered 13 of Gazi University senate karar için tıklayınız.. 


The Details about Thesis Preparation, Thesis Study and Qualifying Exam Courses:


Click here for details about  “Master’s Thesis Preparation Course” tıklayınız! (This should be chosen from the section given for advisors)

Click here for details about “Master’s Thesis Study” tıklayınız! (This should be chosen from the section given for advisors)

Click here for details about "Ph.D. Thesis Preparation Course”  tıklayınız!  This should be chosen from the section given for advisors)

Click here for the details about “Qualifying Exam Course” tıklayınız! (This should be chosen from the section given for related department coded 81)

Click here  for “Ph.D. Thesis Study Course” tıklayınız! (This should be chosen from the section given for advisors)

For technical problems related to course registration: If you have any problem about the course registration process, you can send an e-mail to  including your student number, the graduate program you are enrolled and the problem you deal with.


Click here for the General Issues to be considered in face-to-face education in the 2021-2022 Spring Term, in the annex of the decision numbered 2022/44 which is  determined by the Senate of our University at the meeting numbered 03 and dated 10.02. 2022. Bahar Döneminde Yüz Yüze Eğitimde Dikkat Edilecek Genel Hususlar için tıklayınız…



Gazi University Postgraduate Education and Examination Regulations

Register for semester, issues about course taking, add and drop a course and increasing the grades

ARTICLE 8 – (1) Each student completes the course taking process within the periods specified in the academic calendar and renews his/her registration for the relevant semester. Students who do not renew their registration within the specified period cannot attend classes and exams in that semester.

(2) If the student does not have an excuse based on reasonable and valid causes accepted by the Senate, s/he has to renew his registration every semester. Students who fail to renew their registration within the specified period due to an excuse may renew their registration within the additional period determined in the academic calendar, if their excuse is accepted by the institute administrative board.

(3) The semester in which the student does not renew the registration is accepted as a period of study.

(4) The semester course registration is valid after approval of the student and the advisor. Students who exceed the duration of the program pay a contribution fee or tuition fee in accordance with the provisions of Article 46 of the Higher Education Law No. 2547.

(5) Students who have completed their semester registration process add and drop the courses on the add-drop dates specified in the academic calendar with their advisors. The students who are not assigned an advisor add and drop their courses with the head of the department until their advisor is appointed, and receives course registration approval.

(6) Students who want to increase their CGPA can repeat the course. The last grade obtained in the semester in which the course is repeated is valid.

ARTICLE 22 – b) If the student cannot successfully complete the compulsory and elective courses in the curriculum at the end of the four semesters or fails to fulfill the achievement conditions/criteria determined by the recommendation of the institute board of directors and the approval of the Senate, the student is dismissed from the institute by the decision of the administrative board.

Related Documents

2021-2022 Spring Semester Principles of Distance Education Application

2021-2022 Spring Semester General Considerations for Face to Face Education

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