Thesis/Thesis Proposal Tracking System (2022)

Thesis/Thesis Proposal Tracking System (2022)



In accordance with the decision numbered 2019/103 taken by our University Senate on 25.07.2019, the Turnitin Similarity Rate criterion has been determined as 20%. As of July 25, 2019, examination juries will not be formed for theses with a similarity rate of more than 20%. For additional information about the Turnitin program and Senate resolutions.


After the Master's Thesis Proposals are reviewed, they become final with the decision of the Board of Directors. 

After our students submit their Thesis/Thesis Proposal to our Institute; Information about the review processes can be followed from the links below.


Thesis/Thesis Proposal Tracking System (August 2022)

Thesis/Thesis Proposal Tracking System (July 2022)

Thesis/Thesis Proposal Tracking System (June 2022)

Thesis/Thesis Proposal Tracking System (May 2022)

Thesis/Thesis Proposal Tracking System (April 2022)

Thesis/Thesis Proposal Tracking System (March 2022)

Thesis/Thesis Proposal Tracking System (February 2022)

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